October 31, 2008

Blood Test. How to get this done in Jakarta

Pets Travel to: EU, UAE, Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan etc require blood test preparation

Blood test for Rabies Titre should be prepared before your pet traveling to EU country, Japan, Taiwan, and Hawaii (with no quarantine on arrival). At this moment the requirements for Blood Test Certificate is to show your pets have Rabies Antibody Titre Equal or greater than 0.5 I.U/ml (I.U.= International Unit).

Rabies Injection
First thing is that you must give Rabies Injection to your dog or cat. Puppies and Kittens have their first Rabies injection on age of 3 month. You must wait at least 1 month before we can take the blood sample for test. For Japan and Taiwan the requirements must give 2 times of Rabies Injection before the sample can be use for testing. This is good to make sure that your pet has sufficient amount of antibody in order to pass the test. After the second injection need to wait for 14 days for blood sample taken. Usually single dose of Rabies Vaccine will be more effective than all in one dose, except that you give your pets regularly every year.

Make sure that your pets has identification required, such as microchip, or tatoo. For Tatoo there are only few country still accept Tatoo, the other require only microchip.
For microchip please select according the country requirements whether ISO standard or AVID only.

Blood Sample.
Our Veterinary Clinic knows how to take blood sample and to prepare a quantity of serum for the blood test. Please make a schedule with our Veterinarian for the blood sample, for dog may be done at home but for cat will need to be in the Clinic. Please ask the Veterinarian to check or to scan the microchip on each pet.

Information and Data:
To fill up the submission form Certificate we will need information as follows:
Pet Owner name and address, Pet Name, Microchip/Tatoo number, Pet's Date of Birth, Date of Injection, Rabies Vaccine (name, batch number, manufacturer).

Sending to Laboratory
Unfortunately we cannot use any Laboratories in Indonesia. Only approved Laboratories on the list of requirements by EU, Japan, Taiwan and Hawaii.
One of them is Biobest Laboratory in UK that we always send the blood sample. For Hawaii we send to Laboratory in USA. After your blood take by our Vet then our Vet will take care for sending and get certificate for your pets, it will take around 3 weeks time to get the Certificate back. The result may be known after 2 weeks time.

In case of failed.
When you have your pet/s failed, then you must repeat to give injection to your pet and wait for 14 - 30 days before the new blood sample taken.

Please consult us for the Blood test requirements, we have been sending many blood sample for Rabies test since the requirements of EU countries started.

Blood Test Certificate Validity.
Some countries like Japan requires 2 years validity with the condition of the Rabies Injection given every 1 year.

You might need to check EU Requirements and Japan Erquirements

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