January 28, 2009

Beware of Scam!!! When Buying Pets Online

Scams is an internet news or offers (as websites or spam emails) that cheat buyers to buy something offered with attractive price, to be paid in advanced for home delivery and the order will never be delivered. Scams is criminal.

So beware of the offers on the internet for puppies or kittens from a company that claim work with IPATA (pet shipper company) to deliver the puppies or kittens you are interested in, but at the end you will never received the pets you want it.
As IPATA member we have been noticed such operation would use any pet shipper company name or IPATA name to convince client for safe delivery of puppies or kittens or other pet supplies.

You must asked for the name and contact of the companies involved before you wire the payment, to check further.

For pets to or from Indonesia please check with us prior settlement your purchase of puppy or kitten. Our company (Groovy Pet Transport) have no agreement on the shipment with any of pets suppliers or breeders, our offer calculated on case by case based.

One that we suspected as scams as on this link, (this link has been removed), and some other links have similar type of scams and you have to be careful such as:
1, 2, 3, ....

If you found one that you suspected please let us know, to alert peoples who wants to buy pets to be careful for unknown pet seller or shipper.