December 6, 2008

New Status in Bali (Up date)

Further to previous posting about Bali (Bali, Alert for Rabies) , Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia has announced new Decree no 1637/2008, that Bali is on the status of Rabies Outbreak. Although this status was iniated within the Area of Badung, since no border limit inside Bali island, then the whole Bali is now on the same status.

The local Authority has also announced that since December 1, 2008, then Bali island is as a Quarantine Island for rabies carrier animals such as dog, cat, monkey etc, including family dog and cat are prohibitted to enter or exit Bali island.

This status is expected to be evaluated within next 3 months.

No dog or cat to enter Bali at this time, also no dog and cat to be permitted for exit from Bali island. 17 illegal puppies into Bali have been put to sleep by the authority.

Source: Kompas

December 5, 2008

Holidays is coming. Bringing your pets to overseas for holidays, can be no fun at all

Probably you are thinking of bring your dog or cat for vacation overseas, that would be wonderful time with your pets around with whole family. You have so many plans to spend with family and your pets during holidays, from the beach to the mountain or even the desert or's time for everyone to have a lot of fun.

Before making your plans into reality would better think about the following:

Which country or countries are you going to spend your holidays? Difference country has difference requirements for pets to enter or exit, even for short period, usually no exception whether your pet/s will stay for a week or a month or forever. Please check what documents to be prepared for going in and going out for each country.

Some country like Indonesia do not recognize pets on holidays, when going out means for good, and when enter mean first time entry. No temporary leave of the country.
It would be treated as an exportation procedure and new importation procedure when returning, including Export/Import permit, Quarantine, import duty and taxes.
Same complication when the first time entering to Indonesia.

We would suggest not to bring your pets for overseas holidays, otherwise probably you will spend most of your times for the formality of exit or entry processing, and no more fun of it or even turn into a nightmare.

Find at your area, local boarding kennel and cattery, check the availability, facility and reliability and then have fun on your holidays seasons with peaceful mind........

November 25, 2008

India - No Objection Certificate

All pets entering into India must got a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the ANIMAL QUARANTINE STATION in India, whether pets come as an accompanied or manifest cargo, prior to landing into India .

This document takes around 1 week to obtain .

Documents required prior to obtaining this No Objection Certificate are as follows: (scan copy or fax copy would be sufficient)
1. All vaccination records of the pet, with data of the pet
2. Government issued veterinary certificate from the exporting country
3. Flight details / confirmation of the passenger's travel into India / Copy of the airway bill

The NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Animal Quarantine Station in India must be obtained by local clearing agent in India. It must be obtained in person and no online application.
The NOC will be sent to the Shipper by fax or a scanned copy by email . The original must be presented to the Airline in India at the port of entry of the pet before the pet has been loaded in the other country.

If the pet is coming accompanied, the owner of the pet must carry the NOC copy with him at all times. If the pet is coming as manifest cargo , the NOC copy must be attached on the crate in a transparent pouch to protect it from damage .

Source: IPATA (Rishya)

November 24, 2008

Bali, Alert For Rabies

Getting more difficult for expatriate to bring their dogs and cats into Bali.

As we might know that Bali is an island with historically Rabies Free, so our government want to keep Bali as Rabies Free by limiting dogs and cats going into Bali only from Rabies Free Countries (such as Australia, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong etc) or from Rabies Free area within Indonesia (such as East Java, Central Java, etc). All dogs and cats must get Permit(Recommendation Letter) from Dinas Peternakan in Bali as the receiver authority area prior entry to Bali.

Recently we have heard from the local news. Peoples in Bali were afraid of Rabies that has been suspected caused 3 peoples died. Besides those peoples who died the suspected Rabies Dog/s has attacked several peoples in Bali as reported by
Few months ago Chief Quarantine officer has said that Bali is on alert for having Rabies outbreak risk, due to the population of street dogs and cats in there.

From now on probably will be more difficult to bring dogs or cats to Bali.

As we are all knew that Expatriates mostly have dogs and cats that become part of their family, where the people move the pets would follow. There are many peoples who want to bring family pets to Bali because they will have new job or new live in Bali.

Are they still able to bring their pets into Bali ?

Related News Up date (from the local news-English):

November 15, 2008

Microchip Requirements Prior Entry to Singapore

Dog and cat going to Singapore now required microchip implanted prior shipment, and this need to be stated on the Import permit application for Entry to Singapore.
Previously dog and cat can have microchip on arrival or after Quarantine in Singapore, but now the number must be appeared on the Import Permit.
Both ISO and AVID standard microchip is accepteble.
Dog and cat going to Singapore from Indonesia will be in the quarantine in Singapore for 30 days.
If you ship dog/s to Singapore please give your dog Bordetella and Spot on Flea & Tick repelent. For Cat you would need to Chlamidya and also Spot On Flea & Tick repelent too.
For more details please see this link

November 10, 2008

If you are a Pet Shipper: Trouble Free

In case you are shipping pets out of the country what you have to know in order pets can be delivered with trouble free.

Pet shipper may say have done the right things then all the rests should be OK. In some cases to do the right things is not the same with to do the things right. The right things on the shipper side is not always the the right things for the other side. Your pets shipment may land at the destination airport, but if you do not do the things right would cause problems during customs clearance.

First Thing that you need to know is What Documents required for the destination country.
Beside the documents that you have to prepare in the country to ship the pets out. If you don't comply with the requirements you will have created problem on the other end.
You may have to consider the time difference between you and the destination time, when the shipment of pets arrived at the destination probably you are no longer available for people to contact.
Also you need to avoid unclean documents (unclean document = have corrections which are not certified or stamped). This could make the other end in difficult position and caused delay doing in customs clearance of the pets from the Airport, besides more expenses too.
Please be aware every Airport may have different procedure in processing customs clearance, and pets cannot be left at the Airport for another day.

Typing correctly consignee name, address and phone number on the Air-waybill.
Many pet shippers aren't aware of another important thing. Some receiver couldn't use company name as the consignee, there are many reasons for that, for example to make clearance time faster by using personal name only etc. Please ask to the receiver first, how to write the consignee name before you get it done on the AWB.

Sending copy of Documents prior arrival.
Another thing that could expedite the process of customs clearance is by sending copy of the shipping documents to the receiver at the earliest possible. By doing this you will secure that documents could be corrected when there is a mistake before the pets arrive at the destination Airport. Some Airports could do pre-clearance before pets arrive, this would need copy of the documents.

Do tracking of the AWB (Airwaybill) through internet.
There are many facilities on the internet that you can do tracking for your shipment by an awb number. Owner can also do the same thing. In case something happened on the way then you could do an action quickly.

Even though you have done all these above, some problem might still happen on the other end, but this tips will limit the problem.

You are not shipping general goods, but live pets, so you must be responsible until pets delivered safe and sound and trouble free to the client.

November 5, 2008

Qatar Airways Cargo Live Animal Facility


Qatar Airways Cargo cares for your AVI (Live Animals including pets: dogs and cats) shipments every step of the way. With our dedicated live animal (AVI) facility you can be assured of your cargo in safe and secure hands. The new facility is managed by Qatar Aviation Services and is located in the Cargo terminal at the Doha International Airport.

Features of the AVI terminal:
  • 100% free of cost for animals transiting through Doha
  • The Live Animal facility is air conditioned and equipped with the latest veterinary equipment
  • There are trained animal handlers at the terminal on a 24/7 basis offering continuous coverage
  • Specially equipped air-conditioned vehicles move pets from aircraft to the terminal and vice-versa
Pets will be cleaned, walked and attended to as necessary by the animal handlers

A licensed veterinary surgeon is available ‘on call’ 24/7 to attend to any medical issues AVI facility inquiries can be forwarded to

For information on Qatar Airways Cargo products forward your emails to

Source: Qatar Airways Cargo/IPATA

November 1, 2008

Diplomatic Passport Holder with Pets

The Regulation for importing pets to Jakarta from Non Rabies Free Country has an exception for Diplomatic Passport Holder's Pets.
When applying an Import permit prior arrival, his/her local office in Jakarta must issue certification letter saying that the pet's owner is as diplomatic passport holder to the Authority of Government of Indonesia. For the general requirements please see this link

For Diplomatic normally has import duty/tax exemption facility, provided with a letter issued by Department of Foreign Affair Republic of Indonesia called PP#8 or PP#19. That Letter (PP19 or PP8) must be obtained by his/her Local Office in Jakarta, and it should be available for customs clearance on arrival of the pets. Failure to provide this documents, the owner must pay full amount of import duty and taxes charged by customs.

Other conditions must be provided such as an Import permit, valid rabies injection certificate/record, health certificate from the country of origin, and quarantine for 14 day on arrival. Staying for 14 days at the quarantine station on arrival is not exempted even though pets come from Non Rabies Free Country.

Please email us for more details:

Updated 28 April 2010.

October 31, 2008

Blood Test. How to get this done in Jakarta

Pets Travel to: EU, UAE, Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan etc require blood test preparation

Blood test for Rabies Titre should be prepared before your pet traveling to EU country, Japan, Taiwan, and Hawaii (with no quarantine on arrival). At this moment the requirements for Blood Test Certificate is to show your pets have Rabies Antibody Titre Equal or greater than 0.5 I.U/ml (I.U.= International Unit).

Rabies Injection
First thing is that you must give Rabies Injection to your dog or cat. Puppies and Kittens have their first Rabies injection on age of 3 month. You must wait at least 1 month before we can take the blood sample for test. For Japan and Taiwan the requirements must give 2 times of Rabies Injection before the sample can be use for testing. This is good to make sure that your pet has sufficient amount of antibody in order to pass the test. After the second injection need to wait for 14 days for blood sample taken. Usually single dose of Rabies Vaccine will be more effective than all in one dose, except that you give your pets regularly every year.

Make sure that your pets has identification required, such as microchip, or tatoo. For Tatoo there are only few country still accept Tatoo, the other require only microchip.
For microchip please select according the country requirements whether ISO standard or AVID only.

Blood Sample.
Our Veterinary Clinic knows how to take blood sample and to prepare a quantity of serum for the blood test. Please make a schedule with our Veterinarian for the blood sample, for dog may be done at home but for cat will need to be in the Clinic. Please ask the Veterinarian to check or to scan the microchip on each pet.

Information and Data:
To fill up the submission form Certificate we will need information as follows:
Pet Owner name and address, Pet Name, Microchip/Tatoo number, Pet's Date of Birth, Date of Injection, Rabies Vaccine (name, batch number, manufacturer).

Sending to Laboratory
Unfortunately we cannot use any Laboratories in Indonesia. Only approved Laboratories on the list of requirements by EU, Japan, Taiwan and Hawaii.
One of them is Biobest Laboratory in UK that we always send the blood sample. For Hawaii we send to Laboratory in USA. After your blood take by our Vet then our Vet will take care for sending and get certificate for your pets, it will take around 3 weeks time to get the Certificate back. The result may be known after 2 weeks time.

In case of failed.
When you have your pet/s failed, then you must repeat to give injection to your pet and wait for 14 - 30 days before the new blood sample taken.

Please consult us for the Blood test requirements, we have been sending many blood sample for Rabies test since the requirements of EU countries started.

Blood Test Certificate Validity.
Some countries like Japan requires 2 years validity with the condition of the Rabies Injection given every 1 year.

You might need to check EU Requirements and Japan Erquirements

October 29, 2008

Animal Quarantine for Dogs and Cats - at Jakarta Airport

There are many questions regarding Quarantine for Dogs and Cats on arrival at Jakarta, here are some of the information based on our knowledge and experience handling Imported Dogs and Cats.

Based on the regulation dogs and cats into Jakarta or to neighborhood area must go to quarantine for 14 day.

There is no exception for dogs and cats from Rabies Free Country, commercial pets and non commercial (family pets), dogs and cats for showing (exhibition) also pets of diplomatic passport holder's pets. The Quarantine charges for 14 days approximately Rp. 600,000.- to 700,000.- for each dog included food.

What do they do in Quarantine?

Quarantine officers do health checking, Inspecting/observing and taking blood sample at the quarantine station. Blood sample normally taken few days after arrival of the pets (need a minimum number of pets for running the test together) then the result may take around one week time. As our knowledge blood testing mainly for Rabies antibody, not for titer but for low and high / negative or positive.
In case that the animal found low or negative result then the Quarantine Vet must give dog or cat another injection of Rabies.

Can the dog/cat get sick in there?
Quarantine Station is public place, could not expect for only healthy dogs or cats to be there, meanwhile also receiving commercial pets (imported puppies or kittens for sale). The conditions of the imported puppies or kittens could be unhealthy or weak because the treatment prior departing at the origin country may not like the treatment of family dogs or cats.
What the pets' owner can do is to make prevention before the move for dogs and cats. Prior departure give them Bordetella for Kennel Cough (or Pneumadog) and also Flea & tick prevention with spot on (or drop). For cats give them full vaccine, such as: Panleucopenia, Rhinotracheitis, Calici, Chlamidya beside Rabies.

The place & Facilities
Quarantine Station located at the Airport Area, if you enter from the Toll Road after the second Toll Gate then on the left hand side there is a pond after the Airport Entrance Gate. It is on the left side of the pond there is a small road go into the Quarantine Complex. The Quarantine office is close to the cargo area just before the Airport Police Station.
The quarantine kennels are provided with air-condition. There is kennels' staff and Veterinarian in charge all the time.

Visiting Your Pets.
During stay at the Quarantine station your pets may be visited by the owner or representative.
You must take into consideration that your pet will have separation anxiety during the time of moving, then could make your pets in more stress when seeing you for a while at the quarantine but you do not take them home, especially dog who very attached to the owner. Your dog of course like you are very happy when meeting you in there, the dog think that you are going to pick him or her up home at that time. When you are leaving you probably happy have seen him ok and you can plan to see him again next days.What the dog does after you left, might be reversely yours. Dog could be very sad, he couldn't understand why you let him at the quarantine place, he probably won't eat or barking a lot, why you left him etc, etc... depending on how close you and your dog, how he attach to you. He need sometimes to be in stable condition then few days later you show up again, and the story repeated, it could be worse and worse.

Sometimes the quarantine officer offers the owner for bathing their dog or cat. One thing the owner must know, when the dog or cat arrived from traveling need recovery their conditions and adapting to the new environment, some dog or cat even in very weak condition because of traveling time, and some could have dehydration for a while.

Bathing is not a good time for those kind of situation, that can make the animals easily get sick or get respiratory problem such as pneumonia or coughing. It is better to say no to them at the first days in quarantine for bathing your pets, until you know exactly that your dog or cat is in good condition or wait until return out from the quarantine station. Bathing is an additional services that you must pay in addition of normal charges.

Our Importation service will include pick up from the quarantine station and delivery to client's new residence. While we are at the quarantine station for dropping or collecting other customer's pets, we also can visit dogs and cats those still not finished the quarantine period.

Early Released.
Early release sometimes allowed by Quarantine officer. Please check with our representative if you wish for pets early released, for additional cost may involve.

Animal quarantine map:

View Larger Map

October 27, 2008

Limitation on the number of pets for United Airlines (UA)

United Airlines imposes strict limits on the number of animals allowed in the lower deck cargo holds.
According to UA, the limits are:

For flights under 2 hours:

Extra Small = 15,
Small / Medium = 6,
Intermediate = 4,
Large = 3,
Extra Large = 2,
Giant = 1,

For flights over 2 hours:

Extra Small = 7
Small / Medium = 3
Intermediate = 2
Large = 1
Extra Large = 1
Giant = 1

About Kennel size (Guidance only):
Extra Small = for kennel size of 19 x 12 x 11 inches and 23 x 14 x 12 inches
Small / Medium = for kennel size of 21 x 17 x 18 inches and 27 x 20 x 19 inches
Intermediate = for kennel size of 32 x 22 x 23 inches
Large = for kennel size of 36 x 24 x 26 inches
Extra Large = for kennel size of 40 x 27 x 30 inches
Giant = for kennel size of 48 x 32 x 35 inches

Source: IPATA/UA

Amended pre-export requirements for tick treatments for dogs and cats for export to Australia

Issue Date: 24 September 2008

Biosecurity Australia (BA), the Australian government agency responsible for the risk assessment and policy development for the importation of dogs into Australia, has advised the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) of new requirements in the import conditions for dogs and cats.

BA has advised that all dogs and cats for export to Australia must be examined by an accredited veterinarian for the presence of external parasites, including visible or palpable ticks within 4 days prior to export. A thorough examination for external parasites must be performed, with particular attention being paid to the body regions of the forelegs, chest, neck, head, ears, eyes, shoulders, axillae and inner thighs.

BA has also advised that all dogs must be re-treated for external parasites within 4 days of export. This treatment is in addition to those required at the time of blood sampling for Ehrlichia canis and for the maintenance of protection.

AQIS has implemented the new condition from September 2008 for all cats and dogs imported from countries other than New Zealand.

AQIS information packages for the importation of dogs into Australia and the web information provided to AQIS clients have been amended to reflect the new requirements.
For further information about this requirement or other issues concerning the importation of dogs or cats to Australia, please contact our section at the addresses and numbers below:

AQIS Live Animal Imports
Phone: +61 2 6272 4158
Fax: +61 2 6272 3110

See related links: AQIS

October 25, 2008


USDA, APHIS, VS policy allows dogs from screwworm affected countries to enter the country if the following requirements are not met:

  1. Health certificate signed by veterinary official certifying that the dog(s) were inspected for screwworm within 5 days preceding shipment to the U.S. and dog(s) were found free of Screwworm OR
  2. Dog(s) were found infested with screwworm, were held in quarantine, and treated until free prior to leaving the country.

  • AFRICA - Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaiziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
  • ASIA - Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Macau, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Viet Nam.
  • CENTRAL AMERICA/CARIBBEAN- Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago
  • MIDDLE EAST- Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
  • PACIFIC ISLANDS- Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paracel Island, Philippines, Singapore, Spartly Islands
  • SOUTH AMERICA- Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Easter Islands, Equador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Uruguay, Venezuela
Inspectors should check the origin of dogs entering the country. Dogs originating from the countries listed above that do not meed USDA policy will be held.


Source: IPATA - 23 October 2008
Effective date: 1 Sepetmber 2008

October 24, 2008

Shipping 83 cats in 2003

Operation Noah's Ark (As Reported on the Lufthansa Cargo e-News 2003)

Different from the original Noah's Ark Operation that transported couples of each animal species, this present day Operation Noah's Ark involved airlifting eighty-three animals from single exclusive species: Felis Catus (Domestic cats). Operation Noah's Ark was the work of Groovy Pet Transport using Lufthansa Cargo to relocate the pets to follow their owner, Mr & Mrs. Koster to Oporto, Portugal

The eighty-three, fur covered special first class Live/td Flash passengers traveled in two group from CGK to OPO on 11 and 12 November 2003.

All td Flash benefits such as Time definite, Performance Guarantee, Capacity Access, Proactive Communication and also tracking and tracing were offered to the shipment in adition to the live/td features such as Documents and Physical Inspection, Speical care in the air, and Supervised loading/unloading.

All of the precious cats have arrived safely in Oporto, Portugal, for that Lufthansa Cargo would like to thank all whose involved in the transportation chain for their great support and cooperation.

Watch the video below, as part of the exportation process at the cargo area for the 83 cats.

Rehydration Therapy for travelling dog and cat

In many cases dogs and cats got sick when traveling because of of dehydration. Dehydrated cat or dog can cause many sickness later on.

During transportation Water container is mandatory available i.e. drinking bowl or bottle or both that attached to kennel door. Your dogs or cats can't ask from the cabin crew when they are really thirsty.

Dehydration can be avoided with preparation few days prior transporting your dog or cat by giving Oral Re-hydration Therapy and also post transportation as well. Especially is recommended for the pets going to be in quarantine after shipment.
One that we use is a two in one sachet of Lectade* for Oral Rehydration Therapy, a pair of powder sachets content Active Constituents.

Section A (1 part): Glycine 6.18g, Citric Acid Monobasic 0.48g, Potassium Phosphate Monobasic 2.08g, Potassium Citrate 0.12g, Sodium Chloride 8.58g.

Section B (3 parts): Glucose 44.61g.

It contains totally absorbable nutrients and electrolytes and replaces lost fuids and electrolytes in scouring and dehydrated dogs or cats. Section A and Section B must be always be used together.

Direction for use (available on each pack):

This treatment is good to be given few days prior shipment. Please consult your veterinarian for the supplies and direction.

For Jakarta please call Groovy Vet Care: 021-72800617.

October 22, 2008

The Story of Lost and Found Pet using Microchip

What happen if you find a cute nobody's dog or cat on the street?

I would suggest that you go to the pet store that has a microchip reader (scanner), doing such way probably you will be able to reunit a lost dog or cat with the owner.

That's happened with the two stories below:

First Story: Cat found in Frankfurt Airport.
One of the Shipping Company has reported to the IPATA mailing list (it happened just recently, early October 2008), a cat with microchip has been found at the Frankfurt Airport area. After searching for a few days, one of the pet shipping company in USA found out the maker of the microchip based on the numbering system. According to the data base which the number match to the cat that lost, the cat name, and the owner name were known.
The time being no news whether the owner could be reached to inform that such a good news.

It could be one of you knew the owner, the cat name is: Captain Jack, the owner is Sandra Avalos, a member of the US military. Wow... That's amazing.

Second Story: Dog found in Sydney, Australia on the Street.
This is our owned story. One day in a year 2003, we (Groovy at Jakarta) received email from Australia saying that somebody has found a dog, a little daschund with microchip on it. Based on the data base the number of microchip was in the batch that was delivered to Jakarta Indonesia, to us. They asked us whether we had a record on that Microchip number. Then we searched (still on that day) from our data base, found out the microchip was implanted to the little cute Daschund named: MOMO, belong to Japanesse expatriate who moved to Australia from Jakarta in the last 7 months. Actually this dog was sent to Singapore for staying in there for 6 months periode, then from Singapore was sent to Australia for quarantine another month (Australian Regualtion). That day was the first day for MOMO to be at his new home. Probably he still confused or wanted to search his neigbourhood, so when the door opened he ran away from home. Lucky for MOMO the neighbour found him and that's the story begun, as reported by the owner when we informed them by email and told them that MOMO has been found by their neighbour. So that happened within 24 hours with the happy ending.

So communication and data base has help pet owner on this situation with happy ending.
These stories among other stories about Lost and Found of beloved dogs and cats.

How To Measure Your Dog When Buying A New Kennel.

This is Guidance how to measure your dog when buying a new kennel for traveling. This measurements is minimum requirements. Taken from British Airways Guidance, but also a requirements from IATA.

Click the image below to enlarge.

October 21, 2008

What is Microchip?

There are still many questions about What Microchip is.

Recently, more and more peoples talking about Microchip especially for the subject about Lost and Found of Pets or when Pets moving to the country that required having microchip prior arrival.

Microchip is an identification device, like a pet tags but this one using Radio Frequency to read it, so it's called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) device. Microchip transmits passive radio frequency but only when the reader/scanner is working, not all the time microchip transmitting the radio frequency, actually only retransmitting.
It is safe for animals, but it is not for Human and also not for the animals that for human consumption.
People will need a Microchip Reader (Scanner), in order to know what identification numbers inside the microchip.
There is unique number in every microchip, it is the only one in the world when your pet has it. Yes only numbers, there are 15 digits of number for the ISO numbering system (called ISO 11784 and ISO 11785) or there is also mixed between number and letter (for AVID standard).
Unfortunately most of the Scanners are not able to read both systems (ISO and AVID). When One Country need an ISO Microchip and your pet has only AVID microchip then you will need to provide an AVID microchip reader, otherwise you have to implant an ISO one because the officer has only ISO scanner. It's also the same thing when the country need an AVID microchip. It Depends on how flexible the Authority to accept that difference system.

AVID mostly used in USA and HAWAII and also HONG KONG.
ISO 11784 and ISO 11785 has been used in other part of the world including EUROPE, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA ETC.

Microchip doesn't store everything about your pets.
Computer does all data. Microchip only has a unique number, for that number people stores the data into computer, like your pet's name, date of birth, color, health record, owner's name and address, phone number etc, anything you can store in the computer as data based, but not in the microchip. It is important that somebody or the authority has a data based of pets with its microchip.

If you move to other country and you want to have your dog found when lost, then you must register your pet with the Authority or a Pet Club or an Institution that store data base of pets in that City or Country.

Size of microchip
: both AVID or ISO is about a grain of rice size.

How it is inserted into the pet's body.
Veterinarians implant the microchip with help of a specially designed, single used syringe.

The use of microchip:
Besides for daily use such as identification in case of lost then can be found, microchip also to identify related dog or cat with the document, like passport number in human life.
Before you do blood test usually this identification number of microchip need to be on the Certificate, just to make sure that the dog/cat is correspond to that certificate.
Many countries has asked for the microchip such as: Australia, UK, Singapore, EU countries, Japan, Hawaii (USA) etc.

October 20, 2008

Moving Your Pet/s. What To Prepare?

As being part of the family, your pets move must be prepared very carefully and at earliest possible and some expertise advise will be required.

Annually updated vaccination:
Please check the vaccination records of your pets, for most destination countries required yearly vaccination records for your cats and dogs, especially for the Rabies Vaccination. When it is due, immediate action required to bring your pets to the Veterinarian or the animal clinic.
Although most country required (officially) only for the rabies vaccine but as for your love ones better to give complete vaccination, no point to just sufficient for moving, because that can cost you more later.

Searching for the country requirements to bring pets.
To know the earliest possible time will secure your pets move in time. Some country need special arrangement few months prior departure of your pets. Such as:
Blood test & Microchip.
Like Japan, Hawaii(USA) and Europe (EU) require implantation of microchip and blood test for Rabies Titre Antibody, it must be greater than 0.5 IU/ml. It should be done several months (3-6 months) prior departure date. See links on it.

Kennel size and type of Airline Approved Kennel.
Looking for the kennel for your cats or dogs to travel on the plane must be done properly. First you need to measure the dog, for cat/s you need to weight the cat/s, or you bring your pets to the shop for suitable kennel available.
For the guidance, dimension of the kennel must be high enough so your pet's head not touching the ruff, in some country need to have 8 cm space above the head. For the wide minimum is double its body width of the dog, so your dog can turn around easily. For the length it should be long enough for your dog to lay down in relax and straight position, back leg not touching the back and the front legs not touching the door.
For a Large breed such as Labrador or Golden Retriever puppy you must consider to have the size that suit for your dog until fully grown up few months/years later, otherwise you will need the bigger size for the next moving.
Better to have bigger kennel than smaller size it should be. Most Airlines now is very strict on checking the proper size of kennel, they will refuse to carry when it is too small.

Time frame.
Export document usually can be prepared within a month or 2 weeks time prior departure, it depends on the destination country requirements. Some country need additional documents such as translation into other than English.
Transit permit also needed for country like in Singapore, Taiwan etc.
Where for some destination countries also need an import permit prior shipment.

Check with the Airlines.
Some Airlines like Singapore Airlines and some others refuse to carry certain breeds, like snub nose dogs or cats, Terrier etc, they have a list of breed that banned.
Also when you plan to carry your pets as checked baggage, ask the Airlines if for that time no restriction to carry pets as checked baggage, some Airlines have restriction during Summer time and peak seasons.

What to put inside the kennel.
Do not put dog food or cat food inside the kennel, your dog or cat won't eat it during travel. Buy a water bottle such as Bunny bottle is good for the dog travel, cat using hamster bottle too, but nowadays there are pet stores sell dog and cat bottle for travel. Water is more important for pets traveling.
Do not fill up the kennel with dog toys or blanket, it is important to have space for your dog move during travel, collar for dog will be useful, but leash will be possibly lost on the way during travel.
Old Newspaper or shredded papers will be good to put on the floor of the kennel to absorb wet.

Last Feeding time and portion
If you dog will travel at the afternoon, give only half portion as usual in the morning and no more. In case of transit or stop over you may put in the plastic bag (with zip lock) a portion of meal dry food.

Tranquilizer or Sedative.
Tranquilizer or sedative pills will make blood pressure lower, and on the plane with high altitude usually also make blood pressure low, it would be uncontrollable when the pets at the belly of the plane, nobody around watching it. Pets traveling like human passenger needs good stamina and condition. It's better not to give it. Spray for calming pets might be used, but don't have to.

When the time comes your pets ready to go ask the shipper to put proper stickers on the kennel.

Finally let us deliver your pet to the new home