November 25, 2008

India - No Objection Certificate

All pets entering into India must got a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the ANIMAL QUARANTINE STATION in India, whether pets come as an accompanied or manifest cargo, prior to landing into India .

This document takes around 1 week to obtain .

Documents required prior to obtaining this No Objection Certificate are as follows: (scan copy or fax copy would be sufficient)
1. All vaccination records of the pet, with data of the pet
2. Government issued veterinary certificate from the exporting country
3. Flight details / confirmation of the passenger's travel into India / Copy of the airway bill

The NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the Animal Quarantine Station in India must be obtained by local clearing agent in India. It must be obtained in person and no online application.
The NOC will be sent to the Shipper by fax or a scanned copy by email . The original must be presented to the Airline in India at the port of entry of the pet before the pet has been loaded in the other country.

If the pet is coming accompanied, the owner of the pet must carry the NOC copy with him at all times. If the pet is coming as manifest cargo , the NOC copy must be attached on the crate in a transparent pouch to protect it from damage .

Source: IPATA (Rishya)

November 24, 2008

Bali, Alert For Rabies

Getting more difficult for expatriate to bring their dogs and cats into Bali.

As we might know that Bali is an island with historically Rabies Free, so our government want to keep Bali as Rabies Free by limiting dogs and cats going into Bali only from Rabies Free Countries (such as Australia, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong etc) or from Rabies Free area within Indonesia (such as East Java, Central Java, etc). All dogs and cats must get Permit(Recommendation Letter) from Dinas Peternakan in Bali as the receiver authority area prior entry to Bali.

Recently we have heard from the local news. Peoples in Bali were afraid of Rabies that has been suspected caused 3 peoples died. Besides those peoples who died the suspected Rabies Dog/s has attacked several peoples in Bali as reported by
Few months ago Chief Quarantine officer has said that Bali is on alert for having Rabies outbreak risk, due to the population of street dogs and cats in there.

From now on probably will be more difficult to bring dogs or cats to Bali.

As we are all knew that Expatriates mostly have dogs and cats that become part of their family, where the people move the pets would follow. There are many peoples who want to bring family pets to Bali because they will have new job or new live in Bali.

Are they still able to bring their pets into Bali ?

Related News Up date (from the local news-English):

November 15, 2008

Microchip Requirements Prior Entry to Singapore

Dog and cat going to Singapore now required microchip implanted prior shipment, and this need to be stated on the Import permit application for Entry to Singapore.
Previously dog and cat can have microchip on arrival or after Quarantine in Singapore, but now the number must be appeared on the Import Permit.
Both ISO and AVID standard microchip is accepteble.
Dog and cat going to Singapore from Indonesia will be in the quarantine in Singapore for 30 days.
If you ship dog/s to Singapore please give your dog Bordetella and Spot on Flea & Tick repelent. For Cat you would need to Chlamidya and also Spot On Flea & Tick repelent too.
For more details please see this link

November 10, 2008

If you are a Pet Shipper: Trouble Free

In case you are shipping pets out of the country what you have to know in order pets can be delivered with trouble free.

Pet shipper may say have done the right things then all the rests should be OK. In some cases to do the right things is not the same with to do the things right. The right things on the shipper side is not always the the right things for the other side. Your pets shipment may land at the destination airport, but if you do not do the things right would cause problems during customs clearance.

First Thing that you need to know is What Documents required for the destination country.
Beside the documents that you have to prepare in the country to ship the pets out. If you don't comply with the requirements you will have created problem on the other end.
You may have to consider the time difference between you and the destination time, when the shipment of pets arrived at the destination probably you are no longer available for people to contact.
Also you need to avoid unclean documents (unclean document = have corrections which are not certified or stamped). This could make the other end in difficult position and caused delay doing in customs clearance of the pets from the Airport, besides more expenses too.
Please be aware every Airport may have different procedure in processing customs clearance, and pets cannot be left at the Airport for another day.

Typing correctly consignee name, address and phone number on the Air-waybill.
Many pet shippers aren't aware of another important thing. Some receiver couldn't use company name as the consignee, there are many reasons for that, for example to make clearance time faster by using personal name only etc. Please ask to the receiver first, how to write the consignee name before you get it done on the AWB.

Sending copy of Documents prior arrival.
Another thing that could expedite the process of customs clearance is by sending copy of the shipping documents to the receiver at the earliest possible. By doing this you will secure that documents could be corrected when there is a mistake before the pets arrive at the destination Airport. Some Airports could do pre-clearance before pets arrive, this would need copy of the documents.

Do tracking of the AWB (Airwaybill) through internet.
There are many facilities on the internet that you can do tracking for your shipment by an awb number. Owner can also do the same thing. In case something happened on the way then you could do an action quickly.

Even though you have done all these above, some problem might still happen on the other end, but this tips will limit the problem.

You are not shipping general goods, but live pets, so you must be responsible until pets delivered safe and sound and trouble free to the client.

November 5, 2008

Qatar Airways Cargo Live Animal Facility


Qatar Airways Cargo cares for your AVI (Live Animals including pets: dogs and cats) shipments every step of the way. With our dedicated live animal (AVI) facility you can be assured of your cargo in safe and secure hands. The new facility is managed by Qatar Aviation Services and is located in the Cargo terminal at the Doha International Airport.

Features of the AVI terminal:
  • 100% free of cost for animals transiting through Doha
  • The Live Animal facility is air conditioned and equipped with the latest veterinary equipment
  • There are trained animal handlers at the terminal on a 24/7 basis offering continuous coverage
  • Specially equipped air-conditioned vehicles move pets from aircraft to the terminal and vice-versa
Pets will be cleaned, walked and attended to as necessary by the animal handlers

A licensed veterinary surgeon is available ‘on call’ 24/7 to attend to any medical issues AVI facility inquiries can be forwarded to

For information on Qatar Airways Cargo products forward your emails to

Source: Qatar Airways Cargo/IPATA

November 1, 2008

Diplomatic Passport Holder with Pets

The Regulation for importing pets to Jakarta from Non Rabies Free Country has an exception for Diplomatic Passport Holder's Pets.
When applying an Import permit prior arrival, his/her local office in Jakarta must issue certification letter saying that the pet's owner is as diplomatic passport holder to the Authority of Government of Indonesia. For the general requirements please see this link

For Diplomatic normally has import duty/tax exemption facility, provided with a letter issued by Department of Foreign Affair Republic of Indonesia called PP#8 or PP#19. That Letter (PP19 or PP8) must be obtained by his/her Local Office in Jakarta, and it should be available for customs clearance on arrival of the pets. Failure to provide this documents, the owner must pay full amount of import duty and taxes charged by customs.

Other conditions must be provided such as an Import permit, valid rabies injection certificate/record, health certificate from the country of origin, and quarantine for 14 day on arrival. Staying for 14 days at the quarantine station on arrival is not exempted even though pets come from Non Rabies Free Country.

Please email us for more details:

Updated 28 April 2010.